Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boy, you've got a problem.

and you ain't foolin' no one but yourself.
You're like a hot revolver..
but you ain't killin' no one but yourself.

I feel horrid! I have been neglecting the blog a little now :( 2 posts in a week? outrageous. Gone were the days I felt I had to update every single time of the day 8) Maybe it was cause I felt the need to procrastinate cause blogging seemed more fun and exciting (WTF) compared to maths or biology and english.

But anyway, I am determined to like, start getting my semangatness back for this blogging business yo. Mostly because I don't have much to do anyway and results in a month! Freaking crap. I am so nervous, I wish the results were coming out tomorrow so I'd know if I'm actually going to UK or not :( Eurgh, so..... scary.

Right, that aside. People who have me on facebook would have seen most of the pictures that are on this post because I've uploaded the whole bunch onto facebook. I'm kinda disappointed that I took so little pictures that night! I'm waiting for the uh pictures from school. But yeah,

It was a wonderful night btw, everyone looked absolutely GORGEOUS :) Both guys and girls. and like, its so nice that everyone made an effort to look wonderful and the night was lovely. The speeches, musical performances... food. Everything was good. I mean, the last time we'll all be in the same area together. its a pretty big thing eh :)

So here are the pictures (not all of them. Just a couple :)):

Class of 2009

(well, there are more shots of the ladies cause well we have more interesting outfits, if you know what I mean ;p )



The date.

Okay, the guys were supposed to be all god-father ish. and...
Akmal said I was supposed to look MOTHERLY. wtf does that even mean. HAHA

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