Monday, October 4, 2010

Extraordinary Girl

Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself; I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it. — Groucho Marx

Yep, that's donkey from Shrek! My mom was so adamant on getting it for me from Universal Studios, Singapore since I've forgotten to pack the koala she got for me from Melbourne :p but I'm glad for donkey, keeps me company in my bed that's too big for me along with my two beloved bobos (close people will get this reference. Hehe).

Anyway, it is the end of the week today and I am well exhausted! It has been such a happening weekend! I am not used to it :$ *blush* hehe. It was definitely fun though, so so so much fun and laughing. I need to do some work next week (i.e School work) and really need to stop spending money. I'm giving myself £350 to spend a month and so far, today being the 3rd day. I've already spent about £80! Amazing. That means I only have about £200 for the rest of the month. It's gonna be a long long month. :P

I cannot wait to get my speakers. I'll take a picture of it when it comes. *excited!!* Should be arriving latest by Wednesday, I really hope I don't miss the mail man when he comes or it'll just keep getting postponed.

My tummy is bloated like a mutha!!! :( I've been eating the unhealthiest this weekend, I need to do a good food week starting tomorrow! Focus Amelia, no lousy unhealthy food! Keep to the greens and fruits!!!! T^T I probably packed on a bunch of weight over the weekend (worth it though, i think :P) Need to step my game up!!!!

Also, my skin is in terrible condition. I suspect it's the lack of water and fruits and vegetables and the excess of fried food and doritos. I need to do something about this too.

I am so sleepy, I think I totally deserve some good sleep tonight :)


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